I’d say run, and watch him from afar, to see if he stays in therapy, is good to your son when he’s not trying to keep you.
This is why: I was you in 1997. New baby H was def up to something. I stayed for the reasons you listed. Had baby 2. Then H got really into what I still don’t know exactly, but he was waaay to friendly with random women and was secretive, times he was supposed to be at work but wasn’t.. Then he started an affair with a mom at our child’s events-his friends wife.
I laid the hammer down and D him. I was watching from afar to see if his "working on himself", therapy, etc was genuine. It wasn’t. He married OW his friends wife and ruined their family, too.
Main point here: my poor kids!!! They loved their dad. We had activities, lake house, etc. it was all ripped from their life. My oldest would have been better from day one building a SECURE life with just me and my family male relatives, visiting his dad.
Someone on SI when I first joined, said she separated from her WS for a year b4 she considered going back-which she did bc he followed thru with his therapy, child rearing, no drama etc.
Just my humble opinion.... people screwed up enough for an EA, need LOTS of therapy.
[This message edited by homewrecked2011 at 10:39 AM, Friday, October 29th]
Sometimes He calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage, but calms His child. Dday 12/19/11I went to an attorney and had him served. Shocked the hell out of him, with D papers, I'm proud to say!D final10/30/2012Me-55