(posting here because I guess this isn't quite a New Beginnings matter)
Yesterday I finally got around to addressing the garlic powder that had hardened into a nearly single rock inside its bottle due to an improperly closed lid and humidity. I began looking inside my pantry for the smaller of our two food processors which was the perfect size for the amount of garlic that I needed to grind back into powder form. But when I looked on the shelf where I always knew it to be, it wasn't there. I looked all over the rest of the pantry, behind other smaller appliances. I looked all over the rest of the kitchen with mounting frustration.
Then a thought crossed my mind. I turned to my youngest son and asked, "Did mom take the little food processor?" He thought a moment and said, "Yeah, the last time she was here." This would have been a couple of weeks ago when she dropped him off after he stayed at her place for a few days over his spring break.
I'm frustrated by this. The lack of decorum really pissed me off and still does.
A few months after she moved out of the house after our divorce and a couple of weeks before she moved an hour away without telling me she was moving, there was a previous incident. She replaced my kitchen trash can with her old one and put my old one in the garage without telling me. With no explanation. I mean, how weird is that? Who does that?
I never brought up the trash can incident. But after this recent one, I had to text her and tell her to not take anything from the house without first asking and/or telling me. (BECAUSE MAYBE THAT'S THE CONSIDERATE THING TO DO)
{{End Vent}}
[This message edited by squid at 12:49 AM, Monday, April 11th]