My Spouse (26F) had two instances of fringe emotional affairs on me (M29). Need some outside perspectives. Would you be able to move past this?
My wife and I have been married for four years and been together for six.
About six months ago, my wife was gaining interest in starting an online band. She is a singer who used to perform when she was younger, but had stopped for a time before we got together.
I don’t have any connections in the music scene. I’ve never been musically inclined and it’s not really something I’ve ever been interested in.
She was able to get some people online who are interested in making a band. She then had a group chat started with all of them on telegram.
It seemed like this had really started to lift her spirits. She had been feeling lost and depressed prior to this, and it really seem like she had found a purpose.
About a month and a half into the project, it seemed to have all fell apart. She told me one of the band members ended up, confessing his feelings for her and wanted something more and she didn’t want that.
She seemed really hurt when this all happened and decided to write a song about it.
She ended up finding a local producer could help her work on the song to release it. At this point, I am ecstatic that she was able to rebound from this failed project and was able to keep creating music.
Everything seems to be going great. She even has a few other songs that she has been working on to potentially release all at the same time.
The producer seems to really be impressed by her and thinks she could actually make a really big impact.
About a month and a half into this process, she started telling me about how she wanted to make sure all of her songs were going to be released by a certain date, but the producer was dragging his feet. She mentioned his wife can get super jealous and paranoid about him and she’s worried that it’s gonna cause issues with her working with him.
A few days later, she breaks down crying as the producer had blocked her on all forms of contact. She tells me she thinks the wife is making him do this and now all of this work is for nothing.
The music producer had been telling her that he was gonna get her signed and have all these connections for her to pursue a career.
She tells me that she did notice that he would flirt with her a lot, but she kind of just pushed it away or not really acknowledged it.
She was able to find another producer and that ended up being a lot better for her in the grand scheme of things.
When she was with the first music producer, she had been working on a song that she had first explained to me is just a generic song that didn’t mean anything. After the music producer breakup happened I started to realize this song was not generic and was actually about that music producer.
I ended up confronting her about this, and she explained that she did feel some sort of way with this producer, but had told the producer that she wants to be with me even after the producer told her he would leave his wife for her.
She told me that the praise and compliments he was giving her felt really good and it was great connecting with someone who was also in the music scene that would have a lot of weight held with their compliments.
But she was adamant that nothing happened and that she had consistently talked about how great I was to him.
I accepted this answer and tried my best to move on. I didn’t feel like she crossed the line, but that I guess is up to anyone else.
However, the worries got the best of me and I ended up snooping on her phone and discovered in her photos a handful of screenshots with the previous band member that she had first wrote a song about.
They had been having conversations about connecting on a deep level, but knowing this couldn’t go any farther. Prior to this, I thought the feeling were one-sided, but it seems like they were a little closer to mutual than I had realized.
I confronted her about this as well, and I asked her if she considered this cheating. She said maybe emotionally cheating. She told me that it was because I hadn’t been connecting with her on a deeper level and being able to talk music with people had helped her a lot, but it had gotten too far and she knew that she couldn’t keep those relationships going.
Would you be able to move past this?
I’m in a spot where I know that I can’t offer her everything in terms of connecting on a musical level. We don’t share the exact same hobbies or interests, so I can understand how someone would be upset by that.