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Newest Member: Roadrunner58

Just Found Out :
1 year affair


 Feelingvunerable (original poster new member #85593) posted at 10:55 PM on Monday, January 6th, 2025

Yes,none of it is easy to understand and I'm hurting soooo bad now!
I do see her efforts to move forward, and I she has answered everything I've asked ( most of which is not easy to take ), but she says that I'm getting full disclosure now and it's the only way we can move on..
On baby steps here in the right direction and we are both putting in massive effort in different ways, but the pain is so bad.. I just want it to ease off, but constantly replay everything I've been told in my mind and find it so hard to take in and accept..
She wants to look for a forum for betrayers that want to make things work, but I don't know if there is such a place..
Ps, this forum is such a Good send for people like me going through similar situations, and I do realize I'm not in my own.🙏


posts: 8   ·   registered: Dec. 21st, 2024   ·   location: Irl
id 8857990

 Feelingvunerable (original poster new member #85593) posted at 11:57 PM on Monday, January 6th, 2025

Yes,none of it is easy to understand and I'm hurting soooo bad now!
I do see her efforts to move forward, and I she has answered everything I've asked ( most of which is not easy to take ), but she says that I'm getting full disclosure now and it's the only way we can move on..
On baby steps here in the right direction and we are both putting in massive effort in different ways, but the pain is so bad.. I just want it to ease off, but constantly replay everything I've been told in my mind and find it so hard to take in and accept..
She wants to look for a forum for betrayers that want to make things work, but I don't know if there is such a place..
Ps, this forum is such a Good send for people like me going through similar situations, and I do realize I'm not in my own.🙏


posts: 8   ·   registered: Dec. 21st, 2024   ·   location: Irl
id 8857998

Tobster1911 ( member #81191) posted at 2:25 AM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

There is but she has to come to a realization and acceptance that she doesn’t control the outcome here …. You do.

She wants to look for a forum for betrayers that want to make things work, but I don't know if there is such a place..

There is a whole forum here for wayward who can offer her advice and 2x4s as needed. There are also other forums that have separated forums where wayward are able to interact with their gender in a separate forum or everyone in a general forum. Google affair recovery for example.

But there is no magic she can do to "fix" it. Her choice was already made. Now it is yours and only yours. You don’t owe her anything more… but you can choose to give her an undeserved chance if you decide to.

BH(45), married 16yrs, DDay1 Feb 2022, DDay2 Apr 2022, 2EA + 4PA over 6+ yrs.

Glimmers of hope for change

posts: 68   ·   registered: Oct. 18th, 2022   ·   location: CO
id 8858003

M1965 ( member #57009) posted at 3:56 PM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

Hi FV,

As Tobster1911 says, your wife could try posting in the 'Wayward Side' forum here. I think that new posts in that forum automatically have a 'Stop' sign on them, which means only 'wayward' members can post in her thread. There are some very wise former wayward spouses who post in that forum, who are firm but fair in their advice, and who have weathered the storms of reconciliation from the wayward side of things. They could be a help to your wife, and help her to reach a position of honesty with herself, as well as with you.

It is worth bearing in mind that if she joins this forum, she will be able to read your thread too. Sometimes it can be useful for a betrayed person to have SI as their 'safe' place to share their thoughts and fears, away from their wayward spouse, so you need to consider if you want to share SI with your wife. There have been many instances where both parties are in SI, and some agree not to look at each other's threads. Obviously, that is not set in stone, but for a wayward, reading the comments in their betrayed partner's thread can be tough, as posters in 'Just Found Out' sometimes have strong opinions and do not mince their words.

[This message edited by M1965 at 4:04 PM, Tuesday, January 7th]

posts: 1277   ·   registered: Jan. 21st, 2017   ·   location: South East of England
id 8858043

sisoon ( Moderator #31240) posted at 4:25 PM on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

M1965's post needs emphasis:

It is worth bearing in mind that if she joins this forum, she will be able to read your thread too. Sometimes it can be useful for a betrayed person to have SI as their 'safe' place to share their thoughts and fears, away from their wayward spouse, so you need to consider if you want to share SI with your wife. There have been many instances where both parties are in SI, and some agree not to look at each other's threads. Obviously, that is not set in stone, but for a wayward, reading the comments in their betrayed partner's thread can be tough, as posters in 'Just Found Out' sometimes have strong opinions and do not mince their words.

One big downside is that if your WS is not committed, they can use what you post on SI against you.

My W wanted some help from me about 2 years after d-day, and I didn't want to give it. I directed her to the WS forum. We agreed not to read each others thread (which are pretty easy to identify) or posts (not so easy) - but we were both committed to R, so we kept the agreement for a few years (at which time it wasn't relevant any more).

fBH (me) - on d-day: 66, Married 43, together 45, same sex ap
DDay - 12/22/2010
Recover'd and R'ed
You don't have to like your boundaries. You just have to set and enforce them.

posts: 30824   ·   registered: Feb. 18th, 2011   ·   location: Illinois
id 8858048

DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 7:07 PM on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

Sir, first of all my condolences on the assassination of the marriage you had, or, maybe the marriage you had hoped you had. The loss is a pain like no other and the grief is intense, at least it was for me. It may have taken place years ago, but for you, it happened yesterday

Please listen to the input here, especially The1stWife. She is spot on.

Im going to tell you some hard truths.

1. You cannot trust a word she says. Trust has literally been obliterated. You will most likely find out more in the days, months and years ahead. It is very common. She betrayed and deceived you in the worse way a "spouse" can. Believe only that which can be verified and take your time.

2. Stop moving so fast. You are in "fix it" mode. You are still in shock and need time to process. Find a good therapist, specifically one tbat specializes in betrayal trauma. It helps. I know.

3. Please read this thread (not because I started it, but because of the other contributers there):

Note - I too had small children at home and stayed in large part for them. Big mistake.

4. She needs to be in intensive individual therapy pronto and stay in it for a long time.

5. Unless you are ready to divorce immediately, make no long term committments in any direction until you have clarity. The recommended time frame is 3-6 months.

6. Invest in yourself like never before. Exercise, nutrition, hydration, quality rest (melatonin helps), time with friends. If you need/want to confide in trusted family and friends, do so. You need a support system around you and it cannot include her for the time being. Read up on the 180 (I wish to god I had something like this back when in order to help "right the ship" of my life as it were). I floundered....badly.

7. You both should read "How To Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair" and use it as a primer. You may want to add "No More Mr Nice Guy" for yourself to enable a sense of self empowerment.

Again,Im sorry you're facing this debacle of her making.

Strength and clarity to you in the days ahead.

[This message edited by DobleTraicion at 8:18 PM, Wednesday, January 8th]

"We are slow to believe that which, if believed, would hurt our feelings."

~ Ovid

posts: 461   ·   registered: Mar. 2nd, 2021   ·   location: South
id 8858155

 Feelingvunerable (original poster new member #85593) posted at 1:00 PM on Thursday, January 9th, 2025

Once again, I thank you all for your help and support through this all.. 🙏


posts: 8   ·   registered: Dec. 21st, 2024   ·   location: Irl
id 8858202

 Feelingvunerable (original poster new member #85593) posted at 2:03 PM on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

I'm on some bloody rollercoaster here! Trying my damnedest to make this work, and said I'm giving her another chance at us.
She's so grateful and doing everything she can to make me comfortable, but then I'd feel like I'm a fool and back off..
She gets very frustrated and says that I thought you were giving me a change to prove myself etc, but then you push me away..
My heads a mess.. I want us to work it out, but maybe I've let her off to easily if I take her back so quickly..
I don't know what end of me is up at the moment 😭


posts: 8   ·   registered: Dec. 21st, 2024   ·   location: Irl
id 8858606

Tobster1911 ( member #81191) posted at 2:27 PM on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

What you are feeling is very normal. Especially early in the process. I am 3 yrs out and it still bubbles up inside me. Give yourself a ton of grace. No one does this perfectly when they have been hurt so badly.

Think of an animal who has been beaten nearly to death over and over by the person they thought was their loving owner. One day the owner holds out a treat and calls them over. The animal wants the treat, love, and affection from the owner. But how does it approach them? That is how our mind and even body reacts. We have been beaten repeatedly…. Just without knowing it and without outward signs.

It gets easier and you get stronger every day. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel like it.

BH(45), married 16yrs, DDay1 Feb 2022, DDay2 Apr 2022, 2EA + 4PA over 6+ yrs.

Glimmers of hope for change

posts: 68   ·   registered: Oct. 18th, 2022   ·   location: CO
id 8858612

numb&dumb ( member #28542) posted at 6:25 PM on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

She gets very frustrated and says that I thought you were giving me a change to prove myself etc, but then you push me away..

I would simply point out that she pushed you away multiple times over the past several years. Maybe she needs to dig into that feeling more to understand how you feel right now about her betrayal and lies. BTW those are forms of pushing someone away too.

A chance does equal not forgiveness. She deserves a D. That is what happens when you have an A while M. That is the natural consequence of making that choice. Anything less than that is grace on your part.

She is getting a chance. A chance does not mean anything other than you are trying to vet her to see if she is a good candidate for R.

Is she in IC? She has told herself so many lies she likely doesn't know what is real anymore.

In her mind the A was several year(s) ago. To you it is very my fresh. A Second Dday usually resets the clock on healing if you are the BS. You just got the truth weeks ago. She has known the truth (rather her version of it) for a lot longer. During that time she created justifications for her choices.

An IC could help her see it without the mental gymnastics she is hanging onto. She has to cling to those because otherwise ashe has to admit that maybe she is/wasn't as good of a person as she believes she is. Her behavior required her to lie to herself too. That usually requires a professional.

Keep posting. It really does help.

Dday 8/31/11. EA/PA. Lied to for 3 years.

Bring it, life. I am ready for you.

posts: 5148   ·   registered: May. 17th, 2010
id 8858644
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