Newest Member: Chubbycat


Using escorts even though we are in love

Looking for some words of help anyone with simular experience Recently found out my husband of 7 years has been using escorts for the last few years. We where what I thought happily married living a great lifestyle with our 2 children (and currently pregnant with number 3) - minus the fact that addmitadly for a young couple my sex drive was incredibly low and I definitely made false promises and deprived him of this (not blaming myself but its the truth) I have gone through all the hurt and complete devastation I do feel like a broken woman. I'm trying to work out how to deal with this. He was been nothing but absolutely remorseful and supporting and is so concerned about my health mentally. He says it was never emotional it was just a physical release from him after porn seemed to not be doing it for him. He thinks he has a sex addiction and while I have been away he has already started a councelling session and is continuing to do so. He completely blames himself and has realised he has neglected to show my love on a daily basis and how much hurt he has caused our family. We had a great life together and has been my only partner, the children's lifestyle was amazing because of him working 6 days a week to provide us with a extremely happy and amazing lifestyle. Without him I have not a penny to my name nor feel I could raise 3 children with a simular lifestyle or be able to meet anyone when I have 2 small children and a baby on the way. But canni ever look at him the same after sleeping with multiple prostitues and having happy ending massages? Has anyone ever worked things out?

5 comments posted: Friday, November 1st, 2024

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