Not sure if these have ready answers from your posts as I have only started the R part and haven't gotten enough details yet.
Also, goodluck on your D or R. I believe you parked on it right now.
I don't mind the questions. Parked for now, although at the very least a therapeutic separation period is looking increasingly likely, especially in light of some recent conversations. Maybe this fall.
1. No AP did not. I wouldn't want any contact with him. He doesn't feel any remorse. He was a friend, but I have since learned he is known among a large contingent in my community as being a real douchebag.
2. Your assessment of the AP's wife is partially correct. She is a shallow, materialistic person who cheated on her husband with my WW's AP in the first place. That's how they ended up married. She is interested in access to the AP's family money. AP bought her off by building her a new custom home using his daddy's money (including property his daddy owned).
3. My son is not older or an adult. He's still quite young, 11. However, my WW and he have had a long, painful conversation and he knows what is age appropriate.
4. Oddly enough the constant running into AP has tapered off. I think he intentionally takes side roads from main thoroughfares in my town, and it has been a lot easier overall since we moved our son to a new school. That said, I do still have to occasionally come into contact with him or people he knows, and of course I'm still living in the house where it happened. Moving is not in the cards right now for several reasons, but it is a medium term goal.
5. I have not confirmed multiple. I strongly suspect more than "just once." Among other circumstantial reasons for deducing this, my WW only disclosed three years later some relevant details about a certain night in question I had already suspected. And she also failed her polygraph on the question of more than once. I think it's safe to conclude at least twice.
Ultimately I've concluded it matters less than the initial sex betrayal, the gaslighting and the aftermath. Trust has been shattered, I don't see her in the same way, and it feels unlikely that I ever will.
With my trust already at zero, her foot-dragging and blame-shifting after D-Day for about three years steadily eroded my affection to the point where we're now much more like FWB. I certainly "love" her as the mother of my children. I find her to be a good sex partner. She is making a consistent effort to be a "good wife" and this has been going on for a good long while. She is constantly doing acts of service and kindness.
Unfortunately sometimes you can't just "nice" back the love. Beyond that, I don't feel deeply "in love" with her.
I've been upfront with her about this.
The way I've been thinking about this lately is that once adultery occurs it's like creating a rift in time and space. It is an irrevocable act, and the marriage is "murdered," which is probably why the transgression of adultery is on the top 10 list of no-no's -- and why it is given as the only legitimate reason for divorce in the New Testament.
Lastly to clarify on the lingerie: I found a bag of new bras and some panties from Victoria's Secret. The bras weren't all that "sexy" -- more like replacement bras. I did find a pair of soiled panties I believe had residue from their sex act I hid these away for testing but my WW found them and washed them quickly, leading me to conclude my suspicions were correct.
[This message edited by Thumos at 11:11 AM, June 21st (Monday)]