document. document. document.
Make a calendar that is SOLELY for "stupid shit X does" and update it IMMEDIATELY after he does stupid shit. e.g., 4/20/21, X tells me to F off & leave him alone when I ask about accommodating childcare for my appt (and screen capture that text & save in at least 2 places). 4/22/21, kid1 tells me that X said "I don't ever tell him anything and never let him know what's going on".
All communication with X should be in writing (text, email), or by recorded telephone call (IF it's legal in your state - your atty will know. My state allows recording anything if ONE person to the convo consents, and that consenting party is basically the person who is recording it. I would never record a call if one of the participants was in a different state - that's a whole other potential can of worms)
Get the kid(s) to counseling and ask the counselor about how to approach in a manner that is age appropriate and healthy for THAT child's particular personality.
I am a child of D and both of my parents badmouthed the other to us kids. Personally, I think I would have just liked to have heard: I'm sorry your mom/dad said that, I certainly have a different perspective, but that is for me and your mom/dad to talk about with each other and NOT with you, as our child.
I think explanations beyond that serve to further put the kid in the middle, by the therapy community may view it differently.
[This message edited by gmc94 at 11:19 AM, April 24th, 2021 (Saturday)]
M >25yrs/grown kids
DD1 1994 ONS prostitute
DD2 2018 exGF1 10+yrEA & 10yrPA... + exGF2 EA forever & "made out" 2017
9/18 WH hung himself- died but revived
It's rude to say "I love you" with a mouthful of lies