Gosh life after infidelity suck so much
It seems like the cheaters go onto live a better life while the betrayed struggle just to survive.
I am sorry you are spending your bday weekend alone
Your cheating wife sucked so much joy and life out of you
But don’t allow her to rob your will to survive and thrive
Things suck big time for you right now but I have to believe they will get better with time.
I, too, spend every single day alone while my xWH travels the world with the AP and stays at fancy resorts.
As I type this now, he’s probably at some luxury hotel with her, laughing, having fun, and planning their next vacation.
Life ain’t fair
Sometimes bad things happen to good people like you and me
But I truly truly believe there is justice in the world
I’ve said this before but one can’t hurt another human being and get away with it.
Every person is precious. No one has the right to destroy another person in ways cheaters do.
You stay strong and do things that bring you joy. Enjoy that glass of cold ale!!!
Allow time to heal your broken heart.
[This message edited by DailyGratitude at 9:18 PM, Saturday, May 7th]