Coon hound stubborn, ya don't say?? 馃槅
Very cute, love them for who they are. I bet if she had been allowed to reach her first cycle, she'd have given you even more headaches! (Because we've been warned by 2 breeders not to introduce a female pup to our 9 y. o. spayed female as when that girl pup hits puberty there is a chance the young dog could turn territorial and give the older dog hell. They might get along great for 18 months and then...not, potentially.)
But I'm still remembering that handsome shelter dog's face, looking up at me all hopeful and then how his expression changed when I didn't liberate him as he expected. The shelter workers claimed he is mellow and a friendly dog. But we aren't sure we could handle 90 lbs. of whatever he might dish out if he has "moods." And they all have moods! I hope he finds a family soon. They said several people have come to see him, heard his history and then gone home to think about it some more. This morning our girl dog made the same purring growl to tell me she wanted my paper plate after breakfast, so she could chew it up. Another spoiled rotten bad habit we permitted her. I think that shelter dog might have been just a bossy doggie, like she is...but I'm such a Polly Anna. Thing is, a dog like him can turn on someone in a flash. They said he bit the little girl on her face, yikes.
Meanwhile on the cyber search: I did a bit of "reference checking" on a supposedly well-established breeder in the mid-west and learned she has a history of being a bit abrupt with puppy purchasers, sends unhelpful emails or doesn't even answer, and even had 1 scam dog sale to an out-of-state buyer. This resonated, because I'd already sent an inquiry and she'd responded positively; we wrote back to ask about parental health certifications and have heard....Nada. Uh Huh. Scratch.
Meanwhile we're still getting teaser puppy videos from a very nice lady in Florida who says she and her husband really want us to choose one of her 3 homebred babies. We were interested, based on their written and photo description on the AKC marketplace, but in subsequent texting, turns out their photos hid a minor flaw; probably not deliberately, as puppies aren't that easy to take good pictures of! I'd apologized for taking their time on the phone but she still seems undeterred. I feel so coy just texting chatty stuff back and forth; she is going to send us another video today, to see if we change our minds!
After all this, when my phone announces a New Message, I don't know which dog breeder it will's really like, which suitor is calling? 馃榾
The wonders of the Internet shopping experience.