Thank you for that.
A couple of clarifications…
I don’t know for certain whether or not my husband will qualify for hospice at this time, but I am led to believe that he probably would. My niece who is a longtime hospice nurse, and now and administrator of three facilities in our general area tells me that she feels almost certain that he would qualify regarding the assessment that he is very likely to live less than six more months. And as you say, if he happened to live longer than the 6 months, he could be recertified (is that the right terminology?). My mom was in hospice almost one year prior to her death.
Also, I guess I didn’t make it clear a couple of messages ago, that we have been actively searching for a palliative care doctor. Our physician of 30 years has retired, and we do not want to stay with the doctor that has replaced him. He’s probably a good guy, but it’s just not a good fit. So my husband and I have been talking about palliative care, seriously for several months now. Even as far back as when he was in the hospital last May - September, I was looking for a palliative care doctor that would be our primary care physician. I contacted a man from my church who was a palliative care doctor in our town, based out of the local hospital. He explained that he was retired, but highly recommended the lady who had replaced him. I went the next day to her office at the hospital, and, although I never spoke with her, I called on the phone and spoke with receptionist type individuals in her office. I explained what we wanted. They made it clear they were indeed, palliative care, but they were not a primary care physician for anyone… They only provided services for people who are currently hospitalized. That was not what my husband and I were looking for.
Just yesterday and the day before, I have been searching for palliative care doctors near me. The closest near us are over 30 miles away. One of the main purposes of getting palliative care for my husband is so that he does not have to get out to go for doctor visits. Also, in my area, palliative care physicians are listed by location, AND specialty. I.e. pediatrics, certain types of cancers, etc. There are none listed for my husband’s specific concerns.
Also, I hope I have never given the impression that I don’t want people in my home or I don’t want people to know how I care for my husband. I’m actually proud of the care that I give him. And we currently have Home Health coming into our home on a regular basis…the nurse, social worker, OT, and PT. I absolutely have no problem with any caregivers coming into my home at a moments notice. Sure, there are times I have let his nails get too long, or I wish my house looked cleaner, of course, but I appreciate all visits, and this home health company is one that we are very pleased with.
* And speaking of healthcare providers, coming into my home… The occupational therapist came for the first time on Friday. We really liked her and she’s very enthusiastic about helping my husband with some daily living skills. Anyway, I have been doing some room by room, spring cleaning, and in almost every room, there is a boxful left of various items / papers that I need to go through. So, as I went through the house, and as we have a larger master bathroom for accessibility, I have just been putting those boxes of odds and ends into our master bath, so that when I was finished with all of the spring cleaning in the rest of the house, I could take care of that one room. Well, Friday, as the visit from the OT was almost over, she said, (you guessed it) "One more thing, if I could just, check out his shower area please."
Good Lord. 🥴
I told her that she absolutely could not go in there due to it looking like a messy storeroom of some kind. I was kidding, of course. We both laughed, and, of course she went in to inspect the area. She said something kind of like, "It looks like my bathroom too!". (And by the way, it’s still a mess, because we ended up going to the ER after his doctors appointment, directly after her visit.) 🙄
The nurse with our home health company has recommended us to a provider/group that has doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, etc. and there are home visits. The NP comes to the home for check ups as well as other specific visits. I have an appointment with a social worker at the hospital tomorrow to set up a referral from the hospital to this particular group. Fingers crossed that our insurance is accepted by them and we can get that set up before my husband’s next check up.
And, in case you missed this news in another post, we are in the process of securing approval to have my H’s sister come for a yet to be determined numbers of hours per week to be a caregiver for my H so I can run errands / grocery shop / and even spend some time with friends. She could use the money, I could use the breaks, and they enjoy each others company.
I think we’re doing OK. We’re trying to take things on as they come up. I was very proud that we could have such a good conversation last night regarding future considerations, including this new physician, and at some point, hospice.
I appreciate all the support here, and y’all letting me vent!
[This message edited by WhatsRight at 8:42 AM, Tuesday, March 21st]