I was reading your post I kept thinking how SIMILAR our stories were! Obviously there are differences...but my H and I were apart for 10 weeks...and he had his A 9 1/2 weeks out of those 10. I was at home...doing all of the bills and budgeting and whatever else I could to help keep him from having to deal with any issues while he was overseas. I wanted to let his workload be as light as possible. He was working 6-7 days a week...12 hours each I wanted to make his time off be as pleasant as could be. It was SICKENING to know that I made it so easy for him that he took advantage of that and had his A. When he wasn't with the adultery co-conspirator he was on Tagged and Craigslist...looking for others to have NSA sex with.
Our phone contract didn't work overseas...but my H had another phone from there that he would call the adultery co-conspirator on. He did text her on Whatsapp from the phone we had a contract with...but Whatsapp texts didn't show up on the usage part on our phone bill. So our call/text usage didn't change. But his expenses on his expense report showed he was spending differently than when I was there. I saw "koffie" on his dinner bill several times...and I was confused as to why he was drinking coffee that late at night. He explained it away but after Dday he told me it was his adultery co-conspirator who was drinking the coffee. He would drink beer...but he didn't put that on his expenses. He wouldn't put her food on the expenses either...but he included her coffee since he didn't put his drink on there. This helped me to corroborate when they were together.
That mental feeling of being crazy...jealous...and distrustful...I KNOW that feeling very well. My head kept telling me I was all those things because my H didn't lie to me...he wouldn't...he COULDN'T!! We were married for over 28 years at that it was so surreal to have my GUT screaming at me at the same time that my head was saying all of this was MY fault for not believing my H. I KNEW though...deep down...and it looks like YOU KNEW in your case too.
It hurts more because I found out later that when she learned I had seen the phone records and was suspicious, she pulled out all the emotional blackmail stops and demanded that he never, ever tell me. And he prioritized her, and lied to me. They spent that month strategizing how to lie to me, and she took a major role in that. So it’s hard for me to feel like they were lying to and gaslighting each other, when they were both conspiring to lie to me.
My H was determined to take this secret to his grave. They talked about how they would continue to keep in touch without me ever knowing. They strategized all of they could keep their "dirty little secret". Obviously...that never panned out. My H confessed to his A two days after he came home. Because my H had been so adamant with her that he would NEVER tell me...the adultery co-conspirator didn't believe him when he told her in his message that he confessed to me. She kept trying to contact him...telling him that she could make his life he made hers...unless he contacted her.
I apologize for not knowing how your Dday came about. From what you have had Dday 1 when you saw the phone number and KNEW who it was? Then he continued to lie to you for a month until you found his old phone...with communications between them on it...and that was Dday 2? I am assuming that he then stopped ALL contact with her at that moment? To ME...he didn't prioritize HER...he prioritized HIMSELF. I could be projecting please feel free to correct me...but your H was probably not thinking straight when he found out what you knew. The adultery co-conspirator had an answer that made sense in his addled he went along with it. Judging by the way he totally changed on Dday 2...he HAD to have been struggling with lying to you like he was that month. Like my H...your H probably felt a huge sense of RELIEF when he could stop lying to you. It doesn't make sense. NOTHING about an A makes sense!!
What the adultery co-conspirator did doesn't make sense either...unless she was married too? Is that why she demanded that he never tell that her H wouldn't find out? Could she have maybe threatened that HER H would maybe seek retaliation against your H? Fear of being pummeled by her H could be what was driving your H to keep you in the dark for sure!
I wasn't anywhere near being healed at 3 years...but I did feel like I was turning a corner toward healing. It took me several more years before I could start dissecting things that happened during his A in a more clinical way...without the emotional stuff getting in my way. It may be that way for you too Dear Lady! I KNOW that there is HOPE for y'all...especially if your H is being ALL IN!!
all A’s are about deceiving the other party. They rarely have the same motives and goals for the A.
I totally AGREE with this! I was a basket case for about 2 to 2 1/2 years. I was caught off guard...and didn't know which way was UP for a long while. I then questioned EVERYTHING about our could I not? Thankfully I found this AWESOME place a few months after Dday...and my path to healing was helped along by the kindness of so many people on here! I didn't see it as kindness at first though...but I stayed on here...reading and taking in what others on here were writing about.
My H helped a lot too though. did!! I had lived through this nightmare with my 1st as soon as my 2nd H confessed to his body just took over...and I immediately told my H our M was over...NO emotion whatsoever. I felt like I was watching a movie...and the star was ME!! I still feel so much gratitude for the way my "lizard brain" protected me from this same scenario that actually played out almost 30 years the DAY!
My H said that when he was getting ready to confess...he braced himself for the crying and screaming he expected from me. The matter-of-fact tone I used to tell him the M was over...and the calm demeanor I showed when I got up to leave the room...telling him he could message the adultery co-conspirator to get their future started because we were DONE...this sent shockwaves through my H! Just a few minutes earlier he started his confession saying he loved me like he had never loved anyone else...but he didn't think he was IN LOVE with me anymore. When I left the room though...he said his heart SANK. He then knew without a doubt that he was indeed in love with me...and he didn't know what to do...all he wanted was to be by me!! My limbic system not only shocked shocked HIM too...LOL!! He has never looked back. From that day on my H has focused on US for the most part. There were setbacks at first...but we overcame them and kept moving FORWARD!
Last week he had to go pick up papers at one of the offices where he cheated. The AP no longer works there but just him being in that space at night is a huge trigger. So I showed up unexpectedly. Being in the room where he kissed her was awful and when he said I can show you around all the offices so you can see no one is here I took him up on it. He had some resentment about that. That’s a problem.
Dear Lady...I ENVY you!! We haven't been back to Holland...where the A took I can't go to ANY of those places where they went...and OWN them. Heck...the very 1st place where they has closed down since Covid I won't be able to go there for sure. How did it feel after you got over the feeling of it being awful? Did you feel that you were able to take some of that BACK? Or as I like to say...did you OWN that office?? One wonderful BW on here said how POWERFUL it felt to sit in the SAME CHAIR that the adultery co-conspirator sat in....I would LOVE to feel that!! I have been able to take back...or many triggers. Maybe one day we will go back...and I guarantee that if we do...I will track every space that the google timeline showed where they went...and OWN IT!!!
truthseeker77 ...ohhhh Dear Lady...your pain is still in that horrible RAW stage (((HUGS))). I am so sad to see you have to be here...but this is truly the BEST club you NEVER wanted to be in! Keep writing...keep asking doesn't matter how silly or trivial you think it might be. We are here to HELP...if only just to be here to LISTEN.
It makes me feel like my spouse has become a total stranger.
YES!! I would have bet our children's LIVES that my H would never cheat on me. What a FOOL I was!! He and the adultery co-conspirator became ENEMIES in my eyes. I remember wondering if my H was just biding his time until he was allowed back into Holland...and then he would leave me for her. Or...was he waiting until the adultery co-conspirator could get to come to America...and then he would dump me. I had NO CLUE what was going to happen...but I wanted to make sure I didn't let ANYTHING get past me again. That hyper vigilance was EXHAUSTING!!
I found out later that my H had actually started having online affairs for about 2 years before he had his PA with the adultery co-conspirator. He started with a secret email going into chat rooms. Then it went to webcamming and sexting. Someone from the time he was doing this had told him about a website called Tagged...and that was the place where he met the adultery co-conspirator. This was all happening when we were apart for 1-2 weeks at a time. It might would go 2 months between these times...but as soon as I would leave...he would get back to chat rooms and webcamming. According to him it was a RUSH to get to do these taboo things when he was alone...and it just kept evolving...with him wanting MORE. I was just as SHOCKED about the OA's as I was about the PA...ANY betrayal is so destructive.
That is my safety net/plan to try to not attach myself to any outcome but to take care of myself now and MY needs.
That's a GOOD plan!! Right now you NEED to take care of YOU first. Being on here is a great step as well!! For ME...I didn't work outside of the home...I gave up my job so that we could travel together. So what I did to help ME was to get a checking account in my name only...with enough money to see me through until I got back on my feet. I then bought a newer my name only. And I got a credit card in my name only as well. Once I felt secure enough so that I could LEAVE when I felt I needed to...I was then able to concentrate on what it would take for me to be able to STAY.
For R to be worthwhile...BOTH people have to be ALL IN. Honestly...I kept D on the table for probably 3 years. But my H never wavered in his intention to be ALL IN. His ACTIONS were right in step with his WORDS. It is said on here often...ACTIONS over WORDS...but words MATTER! We are now almost 9 years from Dday...and I can honestly say that being on the OTHER side of infidelity is a BEAUTIFUL place to be!! Getting OUT of infidelity...whether it was D for me in my 1st M...or R in my 2nd...was the most important thing to do. Limbo is HELL!! So whenever YOU feel you are ready...start moving forward Dear Lady. It may be baby steps at first...but will look back and see how FAR you have come!!!