Well, our partners can always leave, so we're always options for someone else.
Your W has cheated and is now experiencing the consequences. That IS all about herself, and it should be. A WS who jumps back into the M after d-day without thinking about it is not a good bet for R. To become a good candidate for R, your W has to be ready and willing to do the work of changing from cheater to good partner - and that require a willingness to see herself as she is, to see what she wants to be, and to figure out how to get from here to there.
A BS who wants to jump back into the M isn't thinking, either. To R, you'll need to process a hell of a lot of pain, you'll need to provide emotional support for your W as she takes herself apart and puts herself back together, you'll have to be conscious of your wants and willing to take action to get that.
You'll both have to get honest at all costs, honest with yourselves as individuals and honest with yourselves as 2 individuals trying to make a life together.
Do you want to spend the rest of your life trying to be what she wants? Do you want to spend the rest of your life trying to keep her from cheating?
My take - based on a lot of time on SI - is that the BSes who do best in R have figure out what they want and decided they want to spend the rest of their lives with their WSes - if they come up with a vision of what they want their M to be and agree to make that vision a reality.
You can't nice your WS back into your M. The pick me dance never works, R requires conscious decision-making by both partners that comes from their strengths, not their weaknesses.
My reco is to see D as a reasonable way to get out of infidelity and start healing. You may want R with every fiber of your being, but D can be an honorable outcome.
Consider how to make a good life for yourself and kids after D. Teach yourself that you'll be able to survive and thrive no matter what outcome occurs. You'll be OK even with false R.
It's not D or R that will give you a good life. It's healing no matter what outcome occurs is the key to surviving and thriving.
So focus on you, not on your W. What do you want? What are you willing to do to get it? How much time do you want to give your W to get her head out of her ass? What are you telling yourself about yourself, your W, and your M?
Are you telling the truth to yourself? Start there.