When the going got tough, our wayward spouses made self-centered, destructive choices. When the "storm" came, they served themselves and what made them feel "good" to the detriment of their claimed values, commitments, families, etc.
So, do they need to do the work? Yes.
If one of their core "why"s is avoidance, I want assurance that they have the ability to recognize their own avoidance and that they have to tools in place to overcome their strong tendency to avoid difficulties, and the ability to show vulnerability, etc.
If one of their core "why"s is entitlement, I want assurance that they no longer feel entitled and that they demonstrate humility and selflessness as a strength moving forward.
In all cases, I want assurance of better boundaries and self-reflection.
In all cases, I want consistent demonstration of empathy.
When life gets tough and the next storm comes, I want a true, functional partner by my side.
Maybe next time it won't be an affair, but I don't want to be betrayed or abandoned or lied to in a different way next time. Because the skills that they have to cope with strife or crisis are lacking.
Your husband's unwillingness to do the work (and his active avoidance to be around those who know about his A) is just more avoidance and more chosing himself and his own comfort zone. IMO, you aren't safe moving forward with him.
True reconciliation is tough. When the going gets tough, sadly, he's continuing to show you who he is.
[This message edited by BreakingBad at 12:19 AM, Saturday, March 2nd]