Little Red Robin.
I am right where you are.
Some nights I want to lay in bed and cuddle all night and have sex till the sun comes up (tmi).
Those happen more often than not. We talk about the future our dreams and our kids.
Last night I was polar opposite(this happens a lot too) . I lost my shit because I work from home , I take care of FOUR KIDS all while 911 dispatching (basically.) my kids are 2,3, 7(special needs) and 10. I went off because not only am I mentally not doing well I’m saving us thousands in babysitting. He apologized. Let me go to bed. , cleaned the house and put the kids to bed so I could go read a book. Of course bedoe that he was trying to do the things his counselor asked him to do to heal but in this case I come first.
He came to bed as I was falling asleep and asked me if he could hold me and I told him no. He said he understood and instead held my hand at a distance and we fell asleep. He woke up this morning and apologized and thanked me for letting him hold my hand.
He said he would fight until he died to get me to where I had only good days and we were at a great place. I message him all day asking him if he loves me, what he regrets , we stay up all night talking about what he loves about me and what he hates about what he did.
With that being said he isn’t perfect.
When I push him too far (like any human) he breaks down and cries or just falls apart. Big but.
He has never expects a kiss, a thank you, an apology , Sex, kisses, etc. he is thankful for what I give him and if it’s nothing other than me being here; then he’s happy. One minute I go from wanting to be madly in love with him to the next minute, wanting to rip his throat out. Either way he loves me the same. if I’m being honest when I wanna rip his throat out, he actually loves me more. He gives me my space he apologizes more.
Some days I say, just looking at you makes me want to get sick and he will ask me if he needs to leave, put a shirt on etc.
He encourages me to go to the gym. Go to dinner or read a book.
I am not by any means saying that my marriage is perfect because honestly, he had an affair with a trashy girl and did cocaine in the woods so I’m no better than anybody and he’s no better than any wayward spouse but he’s trying.
I think anything less that he did I wouldn’t accept. I can admit when I’m being difficult. I can ask him if I’m being too much and if he says I am then I get it because I annoy the shit out of myself. But he always tells me I’m not and he will give me reassurance until the day that he dies and give me whatever I need.
With that being said, I don’t think that you’re asking for too much. He should be bending over backwards to do absolutely everything that he can to make you feel safe to make you feel loved and you even being around him should be a gift.
I do agree with others with you should be more honest with him when I’m having a moment or I’m a spiraling. I will tell my husband something triggered me or I’m just having a really bad day. I need you to love me. I need you to lay with me. I don’t just pull away and not tell him. I hate to be gender specific, but men sometimes don’t understand what we need without us verbalize and what we need.
I hope that makes sense. I’m outside swinging all of my kids
[This message edited by Groot1988 at 9:42 PM, Thursday, June 27th]