I'm not sure exactly what my question is, so I'm happy to hear musings of all sorts.
I am about six years post-infidelity, reconciled, and I've done so much navel-gazing it might have negatively affected my posture.
(that's a joke)
The non-joke is that I've done an enormous amount of reflection, choosing to think and behave in ways that feel wrong even though I know they are right, committing to truth, tolerating uncomfortable emotions, taking others' perspectives, and the other things one has to do to climb out of the pit of infidelity. This has, of course, not only effected my relationship with my husband, but also every other relationship I have. In a good way. Some friendships have strengthened, others have withered, but all of my relationships are more intentional and true.
I still turn into a moody teenager around my mother. Not exactly a moody teenager - I am polite and I make small talk. I make sure to see her once a month and I'm very generous with money and whatever material thing she wants. I am sure never to say anything negative about her to my children, and I lean into saying positive things, so I don't disrupt their relationship. I basically keep complaints to my husband (who wants to help me with this) and my therapist. I genuinely want her to enjoy her life and have love and joy. I'm aware of the things that were hard for me growing up, and her role in them, and I understand some of the challenges that she faced in her life, and I practice forgiveness. A lot. I think forgiveness is something you do and re-do and re-do until your heart is settled. (side note, favorite resource, Tim Keller's Forgiveness book and sermons).
And yet
I really don't like being around her. I'm not relaxed. It would be impossible for her to not perceive it. I'm relaxed and friendly around my family and my friends (sometimes she sees me in group settings) but around her, especially one to one or with my brother, I become tense and cold and unfriendly, or perhaps it's more accurate to say someone who is trying not to act tense and cold and unfriendly. I turn into someone I wouldn't want to be around.
I don't think I'm just reacting to the past. She still sneaks in little public shamings from time to time. In the past couple of years - I was sitting with friends - not good friends, just a casual group whose daughters do an activity together - and the other moms were gossiping about a girl who was having a difficult time, drinking and sleeping around. I was alternating between not participating and saying things to divert. My mother said "she sounds a lot like you when you were that age" and I think the other moms were uncomfortable enough to finally change the subject. At a birthday brunch I was having we were talking about an upcoming trip to a foreign country, and she said "do you remember the time you were there and didn't have a place to stay and stayed with that older guy? What was that about?" Again my friends changed the subject. She doesn't bring these things up in private, and when she tries to talk about anything too personal, I have an auto-divert that takes over and the conversation is back on neutral ground without me consciously thinking about it.
I think she is not trustworthy with emotional topics. She doesn't do well in situations where there is pain. She is busy arranging that whatever is happening is not her fault and she's a good person. I've seen her do that to my own children, though I don't think it effects them terribly because they aren't particularly close to her and don't rely on her. But even if I avoid or divert emotional topics, I find myself irritated and not liking her almost all the time. I don't want to be like this but I'm not sure what to do. We spent last night together. She asked for World Series tickets. I took her and my brother and one of my kids. For a week beforehand I resolved to be pleasant. I imagined things we could talk about. But it was so uncomfortable, four hours of just sitting there wanting to be anywhere else (except for the part about being with my kid. That was great). I woke up feeling awful for not being able to behave better. I am just not sure what to do.
Affected? Effected? I'm going to leave as is, some day I will figure that out.
[This message edited by Pippin at 5:36 PM, Tuesday, October 29th]