DD#2 was three weeks ago, so while I'm divorcing my husband, and I've been through this before, I'm having a hard time with 'just found out' emotions.
Last night my husband shared more details about his latest affair, and while the first was a fling with a friend, I learned that the recent affair started far earlier than he'd told me before. And it was in his mind a deep, meaningful love relationship with a longtime friend (that we both know), where he had been planning to leave me for her on January 2.
This hit me like a ton of bricks, as while the rational part of me knows I need to move on from this person. I now see we had false R for 12 years, and the fact that he shifts blame for the affair to me along with a host of other things, make me know I am better off without him. And on most days for the past three week, I've felt that way.
But some other part of me realized last night that I've been rejected, wholly and completely, by someone I loved for more than 25 years. He's distraught at losing our kids, his home, the dogs, etc., and he's sad that our marriage didn't have a happy ending, but he seems at peace with losing me. It's hard to accept that he stopped loving me a long time ago and has been in love with someone else. I feel rejected, hurt, and used, and the hit to my self esteem is enormous. Which I know is crazy, but the rivers of tears and my swollen eyes tell a different story.
I've re-read all the great posts for new members of SI and all the 'just found out' stuff, but I welcome any insight that will help me figure out how to let go of him. I'm in IC and told my husband last night I can have no further contact with him, but I'm still unable to let go in my head or heart of someone who knew he was hurting me and chose to do it anyway.