Topic is Sleeping.
Jeaniegirl ( member #6370) posted at 3:19 PM on Wednesday, July 12th, 2023
Dragn, it's a panther, solid black. It's slightly larger than my big male barn cats. I have actually seen it stalking and it's scary. I've called the wildlife people and they have confirmed black panther sightings in my area. They said they have been trying to respond and trap for relocation. I'm 'in the country' but new homes are being build quickly in the woodlands within a mile or so of me, running out the wildlife. I've had two baby fawns playing in my front yard area lately, in the daylight of the early afternoon. I've always had a lot of deer but they usually come out at late evening or night to eat mulberries or blackberries. They are being driven from their natural habitant.
"Because I deserve better"
Topic is Sleeping.